IncBit Business App – On-site Field Sales Reporting App

Field Sales Track smartphone / mobile phone
The android app is aimed at developing mobile application(s) for the
1 DVR (Daily Visit Report) Section: DVR Android Application
2 Approver Section: Approver Android Application
Both the above modules are part of the same android mobile application. The respective module is shown to the user of the app as per the login permission and rights.
A user is provided with login credentials and once the user logged in then based upon the rights / permissions associated with the login, the associated screen is displayed to the user i.e. the screen could be a approver screen or the field reporter screen.
At the very first when a disabled user tries to login into the app, the app will not allow the user to login(i.e. user cannot reach inside the mobile app). Now say today the user is enabled (during when he is trying to login so the user can login) but the next day the user is disabled even then the user will not be able to submit the form. So form submission is not allowed either from disabled user or disabled DVR entry.
The first screen is a dashboard screen which provides information about how many approvals are pending. So approver can visit the approval screen to approve the requests by the field reporters.
Field reporters can see a screen with important field data to be entered like New Visit details, Customer Details whether revisited or new one, when to follow-up client and so on….While submitting the report the available network medium is used for data-transfer to the server and thus approver is notified immediately that there is a new approval request pending for the approver.
In the approver screen there is a single check box on top of the list. In case the approver wants to approve all the DVR entries with a single select then the approver can select this checkbox and all the listed DVR will be selected. After this once the approver tap the Approve Selected button then all the DVR will be approved.
MOM details in the Pending report detail list section:Along with the rest of the details now there will be a new field MOM will be added as shown in the demo screenshot with details of MOM (and text as much as that can be accommodated in the single row)
Following list of reminders is displayed to the users:
1 On selection of “Visited” checkbox : Mandatory fields are activated,
You can not check “Send Reminder” until you have not filled the “Follow up Date”
Erro message : alert(“Follow Up Date is not defined!”);
2 if follow date is filled and “Is Closed” is checked the you can not set checked to the “Send Reminder”.Error message : alert(“Can’t set reminder to already closed entry!”);
3 You can not check “Conveyance?” until you have not selected the “Visited?” checkbox.Error message: alert(“Please check Visited First!”);
4 If “Follow-Up Date” is filled and “Send Reminder” is checked the you cant select “Is Closed” .
Error message : alert(“A follow-up reminder is set!”);
The DVR Android App will be used by the field executive(s) to enter the field data of their meeting with customer(s)/client(s).
The Approver Android App will be used by the manager/approver of the respective field executive.
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IncBit Business App – On-site Field Sales Reporting App