IncBit Business App – Create Mobile Forms and Tracking for Field Staff / Executives – Glomapp

In the Blackberry days, IncBit team developed Glomapp ( ) application was developed as a SaaS solution with an integrated mobile app. Customized forms can be sent online to BB registered users who can fill-in the form and submit it back to the server.
- To provide the admin/supervisor the facility to create forms dynamically using a web browser (i.e. Mozilla, Internet Explorer). These forms can be sent to mobile devices (Blackberry).
- User can fill the form on Mobile and submit the filled-in details.
- Information would be stored on server and can be retrieved by the admin/supervisor using Reports.
Main features of the app are as below:
i) Create and Manage Mobile Forms
ii) Field Service Application – dispatching, orders, signature capture
iii) Sales Force Application – invoicing, signature capture, time sheet
iv) Geo location and tracking – mobile workers and assets such as deliver trucks and construction vehicles
The basic steps would be executed to create forms dynamically on web browser. The following are the basic and simple steps to create a form dynamically on web browser.
- Admin/Supervisor login: Supervisor/Admin would be provided with a web screen for login/password.
- Create Form Group: Once logged-in, the admin can create a Form Group for which forms need to be created. For existing Form Group(s) the forms can be edited or deleted.In this wireframe screen, the user would be shown Form Group List and Form List (if any) i.e. if a user has already created some Form Groups or forms, then those forms and projects would be shown to user.
- P.S. Form Group in business terms can represent a Category to group similar forms. For example in a warehouse there can be Form Groups like “Checkpoint Forms”, “Invoice Forms” etc. For a field service a form group can be “Survey Forms”, “Invoice Forms”, “Job Sheets”, “Work Orders” etc.
- Create Forms: Once a Form Group is created, the user can now create the forms.
- Create Page(s): We’re providing facility to create multiple pages (for example, personal details page, department details etc.) for a form.User can create multiple pages for a single form. This feature helps a user to create long forms which can divided into pages so that it becomes easier to fill-in information into the pages on device (Blackberry).
- Create Form Fields/Controls: After adding page(s), the user can create different fields for the form(for example, the user can add name, age, address fields in Personal details page and department name, designation fields in Department details page).
This screen shows up when the user clicks “Add Form Control: button”. This screen helps a user create different fields to be used in a form. The user can provide field name, type with required status (i.e. mandatory or not) and can save the information.
- Display Form(s): Once a user has done creating form(s), the user can see the list of the forms in different pages.
Glomapp is an application that allows companies to use compatible devices to record data from the field wirelessly, helping to improve your company’s productivity by doing away with old-fashioned paper forms. Glomapp is ideal for mobile workers in fields that include but are not limited to: retail, health care, energy, property management, financial services, and education.
It is 2-way step to use this application:
1) Register as a supervisor
2) Registered Supervisor will add a valid user
Please follow the attached presentation to use the application and share your valuable experience.
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