Cross-platform Mobile App for Schools

The Cross-platform School App consists of Student and Admin sections. The Admin sections is further divided into Teacher Admin and Student Admin.
School News and Announcements: Students receive school news/announcements under this section. It works on Push notification so the news alerts are received instantaneously. No delays!
Lesson Plans: Students can see the lesson plans in pdf/word format file. Once they download the file, the respective status update is sent back to the class teacher. Under this section, the students can send comments and update their status to the class teacher.
Teachers can send update notifications using the web interface to students and thus it saves time that the students and teachers do not need to wait for their class to turn-up to discuss and update the topic as this can be done instantly online through web-interface of the application.
School Calendar: Students have a school calendar in this app which makes reminds them of the important events/dates like exam dates, annual function, picnic dates etc. They receive email and message alerts. School calendar can be integrated with various client mail interfaces along with google.
It helps parents and students by sending emails 48-72 hrs before the event. Children can save class reminders and these events can be linked to the topics uploaded on hosting cloud by the teachers.
A student/parent is only need to click a date in the calendar of the mobile app and it will take them online to the associated topics or links from where they can complete their respective tasks.
Chat and Messaging: Students or teachers can initiate chat using the chat screen or web-chat interface. It helps in immediate attention, issue resolution and feedback related to school, teacher, student or any class topic, thus, saving time, infrastructure, travelling cost both on the part of school and parents.
Admission App: This module of the app takes care of the different stages and processes involved during when parents apply for their child’s admission into the school. Thus, on the client mobile app they can check whether the child’s admission is confirmed or pending. According different messages are displayed on the home screen of the app. The landing screen for Admission Status changes before and after the child’s admission is confirmed.
Upload / Send Documents: Students / teachers can upload or send documents. It helps both students and teachers to scan and upload the course materials. The preferred formats are pdf, doc, gif, jpg, mp4.
Teachers can send comments on the scanned assignments submitted by the students and thus saves time. This becomes very useful during the exam period when students run short of time due to course revision.
The mobile app is developed on the secure layer so that transactions are encrypted.
Library App: It is a small module within the app and students can check whether the book is available in the school library or not. In case it is available they can issue this book online by sending their class details and the librarian can see the details and confirm the book to the respective student.
School News and Announcements: Students receive school news/announcements under this section. It works on Push notification so the news alerts are received instantaneously. No delays!
Lesson Plans: Students can see the lesson plans in pdf/word format file. Once they download the file, the respective status update is sent back to the class teacher. Under this section, the students can send comments and update their status to the class teacher.
Teachers can send update notifications using the web interface to students and thus it saves time that the students and teachers do not need to wait for their class to turn-up to discuss and update the topic as this can be done instantly online through web-interface of the application.
School Calendar: Students have a school calendar in this app which makes reminds them of the important events/dates like exam dates, annual function, picnic dates etc. They receive email and message alerts. School calendar can be integrated with various client mail interfaces along with google.
It helps parents and students by sending emails 48-72 hrs before the event. Children can save class reminders and these events can be linked to the topics uploaded on hosting cloud by the teachers.
A student/parent is only need to click a date in the calendar of the mobile app and it will take them online to the associated topics or links from where they can complete their respective tasks.
Chat and Messaging: Students or teachers can initiate chat using the chat screen or web-chat interface. It helps in immediate attention, issue resolution and feedback related to school, teacher, student or any class topic, thus, saving time, infrastructure, travelling cost both on the part of school and parents.
Admission App: This module of the app takes care of the different stages and processes involved during when parents apply for their child’s admission into the school. Thus, on the client mobile app they can check whether the child’s admission is confirmed or pending. According different messages are displayed on the home screen of the app. The landing screen for Admission Status changes before and after the child’s admission is confirmed.
Upload / Send Documents: Students / teachers can upload or send documents. It helps both students and teachers to scan and upload the course materials. The preferred formats are pdf, doc, gif, jpg, mp4.
Teachers can send comments on the scanned assignments submitted by the students and thus saves time. This becomes very useful during the exam period when students run short of time due to course revision.
The mobile app is developed on the secure layer so that transactions are encrypted.
Library App: It is a small module within the app and students can check whether the book is available in the school library or not. In case it is available they can issue this book online by sending their class details and the librarian can see the details and confirm the book to the respective student.
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